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This website is dedicated to Beauty and the Beast (2012). I started writing fan-fiction for the show in April 2013 and am getting rave reviews. Beasties know what I am talking about, but for those who don't and want to know more (I warn you once you do, life will never be the same) go to my article under the "Stories" tab above to read what the love affair is about then I STRONGLY recommend you buy the series at USA                            (click on logos) or USA  ​

Season 2 premiered in the USA on 7th October 2013 (CW - Mondays at 9pm) so tune in to that and also catch up with Season 1 on the CW Network site at                      (click on logo). You won't regret it. BEASTIES ROCK!

​Added to the menu above is the title "S2 Vid Reviews". Along with my Beastie Bestie, Janeen Hayes, we film video reviews for each ep of S2. They are informal, honest and a little crazy (must be the Aussie in us both)...


The "Authors" tab above features Beauty and the Beast fanfiction stories by other awesome writers that I've come across in my BATB online travels.


  'Aftermath Of A Nightmare' ​​

     My first attempt at Beauty and the Beast 2012 Poetry...
     In ep 214 'Redemption' Catherine has a nightmare that she
     has killed Vincent. This poem deals with the aftermath of that           nightmare and what she does as a result.













An awesome #Beastie friend of mine, Ms Angela Redding, has created a website where you can watch 

her personally made Beauty and the Beast videos. I visit this site frequently because it has loads of

HOT VINCAT and other BATB videos as well as links to Social Media Campaigns like #BatBonEllen and her Austin Basis Birthday Page (amazing work). She's hugely talented and ROCKS in her dedication to presenting beautiful/professional videos that will MAKE you want to tune in and watch  the phenomenon that is Beauty and the Beast 2012 (plus buy episodes on iTunes and Amazon - see above for links).



Click the image to go to the website:

Aftermath Of A Nightmare - Reviews:

"This is absolutely AWESOME, Karin." - Karen B.


"So beautiful, made my eyes go all teary!!" Sam W-C.


"Felt every emotion, thank you xx" - Elita H.


"Sigh, oh Karin this is soo soo beautiful and touching, you had my heart soaring! It was so loving, tender and passionate - I'm all choked up, thank you so much lovely lady!" Mary R-G.


"WOW!! That's amazing Karin xx" - Janell L.


"First let me preface by saying, I have totally missed reading you!!!! OK then....Karin, once again your ability to read my mind and put down on paper/computer what I want so very strongly to happen is incredible. But it's more than that. You bring these fictional characters to life...and I know we all feel a close kinship to them...but you bring them out of the TV/computer screen and truly give them life with your writing. My emotions went from hopefulness, to joy and then to pure rapture while reading....and through it all I cried. I thank you so very much for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to continue to share your gift with us!!!!♥♥" - Debbie G.


"Karin, LOVED this! You are so talented. I printed it out so that I can read and reread!!!!! Thank you!"- Denise Hart .


"Karin as always, it's beautiful. I love it! And thank you for taking the time to write this amazing story. I so can imagine this would happen, although we don't get to see it of course." - Ina W.


**Disclaimer: Whilst I own the stories I write, I do not own Beauty and the Beast, its characters or images.      
   They belong to the CW Network. These stories are works of fan fiction using characters from the show.**


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