I have read some great (read seriously HOT in some cases) Beauty and the Beast 2012 fanfiction by other authors and plan to present some of them here on this website. First to be featured is my Beastie pal and editor Ms Janeen Hayes (aka Jay Cole)... Ms Judache English who I discovered on Twitter and Ms Windflwr who I discovered on Facebook (I love Social Media). I will post BATB stories by awesomely talented writers as I find them to cater for the VERY passionate Beastie demand. It seems you can't get enough of Vincent and Catherine so more to come...
Twitter: @jarneen
My partner in crime and editor for my own stories, Janeen is a sensational Beauty and the Beast 2012 fanfiction
author in her own right. Talk about hot VINCAT. Her 'Dream State Series' are the kind of stories you book a cold
shower for in advance, so read and enjoy. Catherine's dreams of Vincent are the theme and where the dream ends
and reality kicks in is always cold shower worthy too. Plus now we add her 'Reflections' series which chronicle some
of Vincent's thoughts during Season 2
Dream State - Out for Dinner
Dream State 2 - Wet Thoughts
Dream State 3 - A Weekend Away
Dream State 4 - A Hike in the Hills
Dream State 6 - Sauna
Dream State 7 - Dance With Me
Dream State 8 - My Puppet
Dream State 9 - The Night Before
Dream State 5 - Work It Out
Reflections 2 -
Vincent's Letter to Catherine
Reflections 1 - First Time?
Twitter: @Judache
I discovered Judache on Twitter and loved her stories so much I made her an offer she couldn't say no to.
She deserves a wider audience - her BAtB fanfiction is hot, sexy, classy and sooo well written.
There are more to come and we're very happy to read them.
1. When The Dream
Became Real
2. Good Morning My Love
3. The Inn
4. Soul Mate
Twitter: @wired4romance
I discovered Windflwr on Facebook and loved her stories so much I wanted her right here on the website along with
Janeen and Jude. Windflwr is a singer/songwriter and novelist from the Pacific Northwest. Beauty and the Beast is
her newest writing passion. She too deserves a wider audience - her BAtB fanfiction, although not hotly explicit like
the other fabulous ladies, feature damned brilliant stories that will totally suck you in - tears, joy and true to character
Vincat moments. They are all part of one series and should be read in numbered order.
1. The Return
Parts 1, 2 & 3
2. The Question
Parts 1 & 2
3. Though Lovers Be Lost
4. Love Shall Not